Thursday, January 14, 2010

9 Foods That Can Fool You

By Denis Faye

During my South Dakota, 1970s childhood, my mom used to order something called the "Diet Plate." Common in most Sioux Falls-area and greater-Minnesota region restaurants, it consisted of a scoop of cottage cheese; a couple canned peach halves, still dripping syrup; a hamburger patty; iceberg lettuce; and a sprig of parsley.

While delicious by mid-20th-century, Midwestern standards, it was about as calorie restrictive as the chicken-fried steak and baked potato my dad was eating across the table. Still, the perception was that this was diet food, most likely because each element in the "Diet Plate" had a vague resemblance to another, healthier, foodstuff—except the hamburger, that is. But that had to be there because this was South Dakota and any other meat would be deemed un-American.

It'd be nice to think that we've transcended the Diet Plate. Sadly, this isn't the case. Even today, there are dozens of foods we fool ourselves into thinking are healthful when, in truth, they do nothing but pad our hips and arteries. Here are nine of the worst offenders on your grocery store shelves.

1. Yogurt. It starts out as good stuff. Fat aside, there's the calcium and protein you find in all milk products, along with probiotics, which make it easier to digest for those with lactose issues. The only problem is, straight yogurt can be pretty bitter, so manufacturers load the stuff with sugar to make it more palatable and masquerade those carbs as fruit. Have a look at most flavored yogurt, and you'll find the second ingredient to be sugar or high fructose corn syrup. One container of Yoplait® Original Strawberry is 170 calories with 5 grams of protein and 33 grams of carbohydrates, 27 of which are sugar. Oddly enough, these are the exact same nutrition facts for Yoplait's other, less healthy-sounding flavors, including Key Lime Pie and White Chocolate Raspberry.

Solution: Buy plain yogurt and flavor it yourself. You'd be amazed at how far a handful of raspberries or a tablespoon of honey will go to cut the bitter taste. And while you're at it, choose the low-fat or fat-free stuff. You'll still get all the nutritional benefits.

2. Wheat Bread. If you're reading this, you probably know enough about nutrition to understand that whole-grain wheat is better for you than refined wheat. By keeping the bran and germ, you maintain the naturally occurring nutrients and fiber.
But for some reason, manufacturers constantly come up with new chicanery to lead you back to the refined stuff. One of their latest tricks is to refer to refined flour as "wheat flour" because, obviously, it's made of wheat. But just because it's wheat-based doesn't mean it's not refined. The distracted shopper can mistake this label for "whole wheat flour" and throw it in his cart. Another loaf of cruddy, refined, fiberless bread has a new home.
Solution: Slow down when you read the label. That word "whole" is an important one.

3. Chicken. Just because you made the switch from red meat doesn't mean you're in the clear. If you opt for dark meat—the wings, thighs, and legs—you're losing protein and gaining fat. Three ounces of raw chicken breast, meat only, is 93 calories, 19.5 grams of protein, and 1.2 grams of fat. Three ounces of dark meat, meat only, is 105 calories, 18 grams of protein, and 3.6 grams of fat. It doesn't seem like much, but it adds up.
Solution: Go for the breast, and while you're at it, ditch the skin. It's nothing but fat.

4. Frozen or canned fruit. Any food swimming in juice or "light syrup" isn't going to work in your favor on the scale. Furthermore, most canned fruit is peeled, meaning you're being robbed of a valuable source of fiber.

Frozen fruit is a little trickier. While freezing preserves the fruit itself, adding sugar during the freezing process preserves color and taste; so many store-bought frozen fruits add it in.
Solution: Read that ingredients list! You want it to say fruit, water—and that's it.

5. Canned veggies. "What?" you declare. "There's light syrup in canned string beans, too?" No, actually, they add salt to preserve this produce. A half-cup serving of canned string beans has approximately 300 to 400 milligrams of sodium.

Solution: Many companies offer "no salt added" options. If you can't find one to your liking, go frozen instead—no salt (or light syrup).
6. Peanut butter. Squish up peanuts, maybe add a little salt. How hard is it to make that taste good?
Apparently, it's so incredibly difficult that many companies feel compelled to add sugar or high fructose corn syrup into the mix. Why? I do not know. Some manufacturers, such as Skippy®, are up front enough to admit this and call their product "Peanut Butter Spread," but many others still refer to their sugary concoction as good old "peanut butter."

Solution: Read the label. (There's a theme emerging here.) Considering real peanut butter has one ingredient, two ingredients max, it shouldn't be too hard to figure it out.
7. Juice. The range in the nutritional value of store-bought juices is massive. On one end, you have "fruit drinks" with just a modicum of actual juice in them. On the other end, you have fresh-squeezed, 100% preservative-free juice such as Odwalla® and Naked Juice®. But no matter which one you choose, it's important to remember that it's never going to be as healthy as whole fruit. And if you're trying to lose weight, it's a flat-out bad idea. First off, it's been stripped of fiber, so you absorb it faster, which makes it more likely to induce blood-sugar spikes. Secondly, you consume it faster and it's less filling, so you're more likely to drink more.
Solution: If you must buy it, go fresh squeezed, but you're usually better off just skipping it entirely.
9. Canned soup. As is also the case with canned veggies, you're entering a sodium minefield. Half a cup of Campbell's® Chicken Noodle Soup has 890 milligrams of sodium. That's 37 percent of the recommended daily allowance (RDA)*—and who eats half a cup?

Solution: Read those labels carefully. Most companies make low-sodium versions.

10. Fat-free salad dressing: Dressing, by definition, is supposed to be fatty, thus highly caloric. You use a little bit of it and in doing so, you get a healthy hit of the fats you need for a nutritionally balanced diet. Unfortunately, people prefer to buy fat-free versions so that they can drown their greens yet avoid excess fat.

Nothing's for free. All this stuff does is replace the fat with carbs and salt, so you've basically gone from pouring a little healthy, unsaturated fat on your salad to dumping on a pile of sugar. For example, Wish-Bone® Fat Free Chunky Blue Cheese is 7 grams of pure carbs and 270 milligrams of sodium for 2 tablespoons, which you'll never stop at anyway. Also, given that there's no fat or protein in this particular dressing, one can only imagine what makes it "chunky."
Solution: Make your own salad dressing. One part vinegar and one part olive oil with a blob of Dijon mustard makes an awesome vinaigrette. And here's another trick: Make your salad in a sealable container, add a tiny bit of dressing, and shake it up. It'll coat so much more than tossing will.
And finally, make that salad with romaine or spinach or some other nutrient-rich leafy green. As far as we're concerned, nutrient-poor iceberg lettuce should have gone the way of the South Dakota Diet Plate.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

8 Ways to Keep Your Weight Loss Resolutions

By Debra Pivko

Each year, so many of us make New Year's resolutions to lose weight and get healthy. Now that the holiday treats have stopped miraculously showing up at our doors and desks, there's no excuse not to get in health mode to look and feel better. Wanting to lose weight is a start. But it's better to break this daunting task down into achievable behaviors that get the job done. Even if you can't leave your house to work out or dine out, you can still set yourself up for weight loss success by following these 8 simple tips.

1. Start each morning with something healthy. By starting off your day with a healthy breakfast you're already ahead of the game each day. Pick out a cereal high in protein and fiber and low in calories and sugar such as Kashi® Go Lean® Crunch. This will keep you full on few calories so you don't eat the wrong foods at lunch. It's an easy way to start the day off healthy without the guesswork and get closer to your weight loss goals each day. Plus, if you take a daily vitamin such as ActiVit® Multivitamin with your breakfast, you know you'll ensure you get the nutrients you need each day to fuel your body and your workouts without even thinking about it.

2. Look before you eat. Ordering in takeout or even visiting fast food restaurants doesn't mean you have to pack on the pounds. Look up the calorie count of meals at your favorite restaurants and pick one that's under 500 calories. Check out to look up the calorie count of foods at popular restaurants. You can even take a look at the nutrition guides that come with the Beachbody® workout programs, as many of them include fast food guides to help you make healthy choices when in a rush or on a budget.
3. Pre-portion your snacks. I don't know about you but if I have a bag of Pirate's Booty® or even chips with me in front of the TV, I'll chow through the whole thing by the end of the show. It's important not only to stock your house with healthy snacks but also to pre-portion them out into baggies when you buy them so you stick to eating one serving whether you're in front of the TV or at work. Most foods are healthy in moderation but overeating can make the pounds creep up. You can also prepare healthy foods such as sliced-up cucumbers or red peppers to munch on or dip in balsamic vinegar. You're more likely to reach for those—since they are ready—rather than high-calorie, easy-access foods like chips or a quick frozen quesadilla or egg roll. P90X® protein bars are a convenient pre-portioned meal replacement or snack to keep with you on the go.
4. Socialize health-consciously. Hanging out doesn't have to mean eating out. Instead of going out for dinner or drinks to catch up with friends, go on a hike or walk to catch up. It's a great way to get a workout in while catching up with friendly conversation. Plus, you save money and calories. Or host a health-conscious potluck where everyone makes their favorite healthy treat and prints out the recipes so you get an arsenal of healthy treats to make in the future and enjoy. If you're feeling daring, try hosting an activity party where you pop in a Beachbody workout, play Nintendo Wii®, or go ice skating so you know you'll burn off those extra calories.

5. Top your foods on the down low. Of calories, that is. The calories in creamy sauces and dressings can really add up. Stock up on low- to no-calorie toppings like pico de gallo, hot sauce, mustard, pepper, 1-calorie-a-spray salad dressings from your local market, and even parmesan cheese in moderation. You'll be surprised at how quickly the weight will come off without sacrificing taste.

6. Commit to workout times. Whether you're doing Tony Horton's 10-Minute Trainer® or an hour of P90X, make sure to set the times in your schedule to work out and stick to them. Plan other obligations around those times. Working out is important to your health and your life and making it and yourself a priority will not only help you meet your weight loss goals but help you live a better life. Use a calendar from the workout programs or set up a time to work out with a friend—whatever it takes. I like to set the time in my phone calendar so an alarm goes off that beeps and says "Time for Slim in 6® Ramp it Up" if that is my workout planned for that day and if I'm not doing it, I'm not gonna get slim in 6 weeks. It's my choice. You can even sign up for Beachbody's WOWY® (Work Out With You) Online SuperGym for free, where you can log in your workouts and get support from hundreds of people cheering each other on.

7. Lay out your workout clothes the night before. This can make a big difference not only in saving time but also making sure you commit to actually doing the workout. I like to get my workout clothes ready the night before for motivation but also so I can snooze through the extra time before working out. If you don't work out at home, then pack your gym bag the day before and always have it ready in your car or at work, so there's no excuse not to work out. My favorite new workout here is Brazil Butt Lift®. Leandro Carvalho (known as the "Brazilian Butt Master") created such a fantastic workout, with booty-sculpting moves, cardio, and Brazilian dance beats, that I don't mind waking up a bit early to do it before work and starting my day with some fun.

8. Drink the healthiest meal of the day. Replacing one meal a day, even a snack, with Shakeology® is the simplest way to lose weight and get the nutrients you need for optimal health. By targeting nutrition, fullness, digestion, and detoxification, Shakeology provides a multifaceted approach to help you keep full, shed fat, reduce food cravings, improve digestion, lower cholesterol, and have more natural energy—all through a delicious 140-calorie shake. I've been drinking them every day as an afternoon snack or after working out. Everyone at work makes them a little differently to craft their favorite concoctions. Some of us use water; others use milk, or even add a teaspoon of peanut butter or mint. They're delicious!