Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Girl's Guide to P90X

By Whitney Provost

Everyone was talking the day after the Grammy® Awards about Pink's gravity-defying performance of "Glitter In the Air." She talked with Oprah Winfrey later that week about how she got into the tremendous shape that turned her into the "human sprinkler," and the secret was P90X. Kudos to Pink (and to Dreya Weber, the P90X star whom the eagle-eyed may have spotted as one of the gold-painted aerialists).

Muscles are a girl's best friend. Not only do they raise your metabolism and help you burn more calories, they also keep you living strong. And they look beautiful. Well-sculpted shoulders and lean, tight legs carry clothes better and allow you to power through everyday activities with strength and stamina. How do you get a body like that? A program like P90X will do the trick.
I know this because I'm a P90X graduate. I can vouch for its muscle-sculpting, fat-blasting, and body-shrinking powers. Before I ever started working for Beachbody®, I finished two rounds of P90X and incorporated P90X Plus into my fitness routine. I still do P90X regularly, and Plyometrics is consistently in my cardio rotations.
I'm not a world-class athlete. I'm just a regular at-home fitness junkie. P90X has been helping me get the body I want—lean, tight, and strong but not bulky—and it makes me feel good.
Not sure if you're ready to tackle the X? Here are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Do your best and forget the rest. You'll hear Tony say this a lot throughout P90X, and it's important advice. All you have to do is lift as much weight as you can, and that's it. You're not in compAdd Imageetition with anyone else. Don't worry if you can only lift 5 pounds while the women in the workouts are hoisting 15. Every time you Push Play, you'll get stronger, and before you know it, you'll be able to lift heavier than you ever have before. And don't be surprised if you find that you can do a few pull-ups at the end of 90 days.

2. Eat enough. A common mistake many active women make is undereating. With a program as intense as P90X, it's important to fill your body with enough healthy fuel to power through your workouts and help your muscles recover afterward. If you don't eat enough, your metabolism will slow down and your body will burn muscle for energy. Follow the P90X nutrition plan and take your supplements. They're designed to help you get the best results.

3. Don't be a slave to the scale. During a program like P90X, your body will go through a lot of metabolic changes. At first, your muscles may retain water as they react to the shock of the workouts and the recovery afterward. You may notice your weight going up for a short time before your muscles shed the excess water. As you continue with the program, you'll be building muscle and shedding fat, but the scale might not move downward as much as you want it to. Don't let that deter you. A pound of muscle is denser than a pound of fat, so your body may shrink even if your weight doesn't change that much. Keep in mind that muscle is a metabolism booster, so the more you have the more calories and fat you'll burn all day long.

4. You're not going to get bulky. Look at the women in the P90X workouts. They're all lean, strong, and feminine. Because women don't have enough testosterone to build massive amounts of muscle, it's nearly impossible for them to bulk up by lifting heavy weights. When women complain about feeling bulky, it's usually because they're new to a fitness program and their muscles are retaining water. If this happens to you, don't give up. Stick with your meal plan and workouts, and soon the extra bulk will go away.

5. You're going to love the way you feel. OK, maybe not when you're sore from working out, but as you get stronger and leaner, you're going to love how easy everyday tasks become, like lifting heavy objects, walking up and down stairs, or picking up children. And I can pretty much guarantee that you'll find yourself admiring your shoulders in the mirror or poking yourself in the belly to feel your tight abs. I do it all the time.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


7 Days: 7 Breakfasts

By Joe Wilkes

It's hard to work good nutrition into our days. We're working longer and longer hours and still trying to fit in 30 to 60 minutes of exercise, not to mention all the studies coming out that say we're not getting nearly enough sleep. The hours run out. The snooze button gets pushed. Breakfast often turns into eating last night's leftover takeout during the morning commute. Or worse, it turns into no breakfast at all.

People often skip breakfast in hopes of getting more sleep or losing more weight, but in fact, people who replace breakfast with extra sleep end up having less energy. Breakfast skippers also tend to gain more weight. They start the day with a slow metabolism and then overeat at lunch because they're hungry. You're much better off trying to eat something nutritious in the morning so your brain and body rev up and you don't start the day with cravings that often get relieved by donuts in the break room. Here are seven breakfasts that you can squeeze into the busiest schedule.

Note: Some of the recipes call for eggs. You can use egg substitutes like Egg Beaters® (1/4 cup per egg), two egg whites per whole egg, or tofu, depending on the recipe and your dietary concerns. Additionally, some recipes call for whole wheat ingredients. Gluten-free versions can be substituted in every case (but no white-flour substitutes!). All nutritional information is per serving. Recipes are for one serving unless otherwise noted.

Sunday: Mom's Pancake Recipe
Like so many of my family's "secret" recipes, this one began life on the side of a package of food. In this case, it was a carton of eggs (no surprise when you see the second ingredient). But this is a pretty good way of sneaking extra protein to your kids—it'll definitely get a better reaction than a boiled egg and a scoop of cottage cheese. For the grownups who are watching their cholesterol, my brother came up with an alternative; substituting six egg whites and half an avocado for the six eggs. The pancakes turn out a bit green, but if you can get past that, they're quite tasty. You can top them with your favorite fresh fruit. If you can't live without maple syrup, go for grade B or grade C. Those syrups contain more of the natural minerals that are filtered out of the grade A syrup. And they're cheaper!

1 cup fat-free cottage cheese
6 eggs
1/2 cup whole wheat flour (or 1/4 cup whole wheat and 1/4 cup barley flour)
1/4 cup canola oil
Pinch of salt
Dash of vanilla extract
1/4 cup milk

Blend or food-process the first six ingredients on high until smooth. Add milk slowly to reach batter consistency. Cook on a hot, nonstick griddle. Number of pancakes varies depending on size. Serves 6.
Preparation time: 15 to 20 minutes
Nutritional information (per serving):
Calories 225
Fat 15 grams
Carbs 9 grams
Fiber 1.5 grams
Protein 3 grams
Monday: Power Oatmeal
Oatmeal is one of the healthiest grains around. The Mayo Clinic even includes it in its list of the top five foods to lower your cholesterol numbers. It has a high soluble fiber content that helps cholesterol reduction and slows sugar digestion, a benefit for people living with diabetes. It also has a high insoluble fiber content, which has been linked to cancer prevention. It's a good source of protein, as well as vitamin E, zinc, manganese, magnesium, and iron, among other nutrients. While it is a little on the bland side flavor-wise, it's easy to liven it up with some healthy ingredients, including seasonal or thawed frozen berries, nuts, and flaxseed.
There are a lot of schools of thought on the best way to prepare oatmeal. Purists will choose unrolled oats, either whole or steel-cut, and cook them forever (all right, 30 to 40 minutes). Those of us who don't live on "Martha Stewart time" are more apt to select rolled or quick-cooking oats, which can cook in about 5 to 10 minutes. And those of us truly strapped for time enjoy the convenience of instant oatmeal. For this recipe, use the plain oatmeal of your choice; just choose one that doesn't include sugary flavorings like maple brown sugar, apple cinnamon, etc. We're going to flavor it ourselves with high-antioxidant blueberries and heart-healthy fats from walnuts and flaxseed. For extra protein, add half a scoop of Beachbody's Whey Protein Powder.

1 cup prepared oatmeal (see above)
1 Tbsp. flaxseed
1/2 cup blueberries
1/4 cup walnuts, chopped
Mix all ingredients in a bowl (or a to-go cup).

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Nutritional information (per serving); without and with Whey Protein Powder :
Calories 436 491
Fat 26 grams 27 grams
Carbs 48 grams 50 grams
Fiber 10 grams 12 grams
Protein 12 grams 21 grams

Tuesday: Carl's Chocolate Almond Shakeology®
I was able to get my hands on Beachbody® CEO Carl Daikeler's favorite Shakeology recipe. And anyone who has been fortunate enough to spend time in the company of our energetic boss, you'll join me in saying, "I'll have what he's having." For hard-to-find ingredients like almond butter or almond milk, you could substitute peanut butter or soy, rice, or skim milk. For hard-to-stomach ingredients like the raw egg, you could use protein powder.

1 cup almond milk
1 tsp. almond butter
1 whole banana
1 whole egg, raw
1 scoop chocolate Shakeology
1 scoop Shakeology Boost: The Fiber
1 cup ice

Mix all ingredients in a blender until creamy.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Nutritional information (per serving):
Calories 443
Fat 12 grams
Carbs 62 grams
Fiber 13 grams
Protein 27 grams

Wednesday: Healthy Breakfast Burrito
Going to college in Southern California, I gained a lot of sustenance from burritos of all kinds. I also gained a lot of weight. Stuffed full of cheese, fried potatoes, and larded-up refried beans, the breakfast burritos were delicious and filling to a fault. But breakfast burritos don't have to be unhealthy. Fillings like veggies and eggs that were often crowded out by the cheaper and fattier ingredients can be elevated to star status in the dish. You'll create a quick, healthy breakfast that can be eaten on the move (although the police department and your dry cleaner would discourage trying to eat while driving).
By the way, here's a tip for easy-peasy scrambled eggs or egg substitutes I learned from a "restaurant" in our last office building that prepared a wide variety of hot dishes using only a microwave. Scramble an egg in a coffee cup or small microwave-safe bowl. Depending on your wattage, nuke it for 30 seconds to a minute, and voilà, scrambled eggs perfect for a sandwich or a burrito.

1 scrambled egg or egg substitute (or tofu)
1 6-inch whole-grain tortilla
2 Tbsp. black beans, canned
2 Tbsp. low-fat cheddar cheese (or soy cheese)
2 Tbsp. chopped tomato
2 Tbsp. chopped onion
Hot sauce to taste

What follows are the microwave directions. You could alternatively scramble the egg and heat the beans in a small frying pan.

Microwave scrambled egg or egg substitute until cooked. While egg is cooking, spread out tortilla on a dinner plate or cutting board. Spread cooked egg in the middle of one-half of the tortilla. Heat the beans in the microwave (not too much or they'll explode!). While beans are heating, sprinkle cheese on eggs, then pile on beans, tomatoes, and onions (if you don't have time to chop fresh veggies, a healthy salsa could be substituted). Add hot sauce if desired. Fold tortilla in half over the ingredients and fold in the sides. (This part may take some practice. My first burrito-folding attempts usually resulted in a dish I called burrito salad, but I eventually got the hang of it.)

Preparation time: 10 minutes (or more, depending on your tortilla-folding skills)
Nutritional information (per serving):
Calories 304
Fat 10 grams
Carbs 35 grams
Fiber 6 grams
Protein 20 grams
Thursday: Fruit Parfait
The Harvard School of Public Health recommends that most people have at least NINE half-cup servings of fruits and vegetables per day. So you can see that if you skip breakfast, you're really putting the pressure on the rest of your meals. A diet high in fruits and veggies lowers the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, cancer, and blood sugar problems, as well as offering many other health benefits. This recipe layers yogurt with three different types of fresh fruit. You can substitute any other fruit (preferably seasonal) for one of the fruits in this recipe. (For anyone thinking of hitting the drive-thru at McDonald's® for its version of this recipe, you could do worse in an emergency, but this is way healthier.)

1-1/2 cups plain low-fat yogurt (or soy yogurt)
1 Tbsp. almonds, chopped fine
1 Tbsp. flaxseed, ground
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup apple, diced
1/2 cup cantaloupe, diced
In a tall glass, layer ingredients in the following order: 1/2 cup yogurt, followed by a sprinkle of almonds, flaxseed, and blueberries; repeat process with apples and cantaloupe (or whatever order of fruit you choose). If presentation isn't that important to you, you could just mix it all up in a bowl and eat it. (I live alone. No one's watching.)

Preparation time: 10 minutes (more or less depending on what needs chopping)
Nutritional information (per serving):
Calories 453
Fat 16 grams
Carbs 57 grams
Fiber 9 grams
Protein 27 grams
Friday: Tuna Salad Surprise
Have you ever noticed that some mornings the cat has a healthier breakfast than you do? Tuna's not just for lunch anymore. In fact, when we have our big, healthy employee breakfast at Beachbody, a big bowl of this tuna recipe is usually the star of the buffet. Tuna is really high in protein and a great source of vitamin D and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. You could mix it up by substituting canned salmon once in a while. This recipe replaces fattening mayonnaise with healthy veggies and lemon juice for a refreshing, high-energy breakfast (although we might suggest an after-breakfast mint).

5 oz. canned tuna in water (if in oil, skip olive oil)
1 Tbsp. olive oil
2 Tbsp. lemon juice (or to taste)
1 tomato, diced
1/4 cup green onions, diced
2 Tbsp. parsley and/or cilantro (or more to taste)
Salt and pepper to taste
Raw jalapeño (if desired)
Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl and season to taste. Chop in some raw jalapeño for extra zip!

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Nutritional information (per serving):
Calories 356
Fat 15 grams
Carbs 12 grams
Fiber 2 grams
Protein 43 grams

Saturday: Vegetable Frittata
Since it's the weekend, it might be nice to make something you don't have to eat in the car. Frittatas are like omelets for the oven. All the flavor, but you don't have to try to flip it on the stove top (or onto the floor as the case may be.) It's a crowd pleaser! Feel free to experiment with other favorite veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, zucchini, etc.

6 eggs, beaten
1 cup fresh spinach, torn
1 tsp. garlic, crushed
2 medium plum tomatoes, chopped
1/4 cup onion, chopped
1 red bell pepper, chopped
2 Tbsp. fresh basil, chopped
1/2 cup low-fat Swiss cheese (or soy cheese), shredded
1 oz. Parmesan cheese (or soy cheese), grated
Cooking spray

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Spray an 8-inch pie pan or baking dish with cooking spray. Beat the eggs in a bowl, then mix in all ingredients. Pour into the pan. Cook for 12 to 15 minutes or until the eggs are firm. Cut into 2 servings (like an omelet!).

Preparation time: 15 to 20 minutes
Nutritional information (per serving):
Calories 414
Fat 23 grams
Carbs 14 grams
Fiber 4 grams
Protein 33 grams
Of course, you should feel free to eat any of these breakfasts on any day of the week. And repeat your favorites. Most of these can be integrated into your favorite Beachbody meal plan. Come back next week for part two of our five-part series, and get recipes for 7 Days: 7 Lunches. Bon appétit!