Saturday, April 23, 2011

Insanity Asylum

I have to confess that I am the type of person that only gets truly motivated when I have a challenge or a goal that I am trying to reach. The last 6 months or so, I have been working out every day and eating fairly clean, but haven't had that challenge. So I have gotten comfortable with my workouts. Comfortable is not where I want to be!!!

Lucky for me, Insanity: The Asylum was released last week. I started it on Monday 4/18/2011 and have been physically and mentally challenged everyday this week. (some people would argue that I was already mentally challenged :)

This program is just the kick in the pants that I needed before summer. Shaun T pushes you to your absolute limit every single day. I love it.

If you would like more information about the Asylum, please go to: or feel free to contact me.