Monday, August 29, 2011

Beachbody 3 years later

This past weekend I had my body fat composition checked. I had this same procedure done 3 years ago. In 3 years time, I have dropped my body fat % from 23.3% to 12.5%. I have lost 15 pounds, and all but 1 of those was fat body mass. I have been able to retain my lean body mass while losing the weight. At 39 years of age, I am in the best shape of my life.

How did this happen? Right about 3 years ago, I was overweight, out of shape, unhappy with my body (inside and out). I saw an infomercial for a little program called Slim in 6. I was drawn to this program because of the length - only 6 weeks. For the first time, I was motivated to actually workout everyday and complete the 6 weeks of the program. I saw results and wanted to keep going, so P90X was next. I was motivated more than ever to workout everyday and I kept seeing more and more results. Since that time I have done just about every Beachbody workout there is (Insanity, Turbo Fire, Chalean Extreme, RevAbs, Asylum, Brazil Butt Lift)and have started drinking Shakeology every day.

I am somewhat addicted to exercise and always have to have the newest workout to try, but name me a better addiction. Speaking of addictions, Shakeology is my life saver. It has helped me so much with my healthier eating. I have fewer sweet cravings, my digestion is better, and I have so much energy. I am the first to admit that the price kept me from trying Shakeology for the longest time, but once I did the research and saw what was in it, I tried it. I have never gone back!

Obsessed is a word some of my friends like to use when they are describing me and my new love for fitness and healthy eating, but I like to call it passion. I am so passionate about Beachbody that I want to share it with everyone. I sometimes go a little overboard posting stuff on facebook or talking to random people about this workout or that workout or Shakeology, but it is not because I am trying to "sell" you a product. I want to "give" you the gift that Beachbody has given to me. The gift of being in the best shape of my life. The gift of feeling great everyday. The gift of living life to the fullest. The gift of being a happier wife and mother. The gift of knowing that I will be around to see my son grow into a man.

I get teary-eyed and weepy when somebody tells me that I have inspired him/her to workout. What an amazing thing that Beachbody has given to me and yes to top it all off, I get paid to do this!