Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shakeology Clense - Day 3

I knew day 3 would be the hardest day for me for a couple of reasons. The obvious was it was the 3rd day with no junk, no sugar, and not alot of calories. The second was that on Tuesday I have to get up earlier than normal and don't get home until later in the evening than normal. But I made it!

Breakfast - Shakeology with water and ice (140 calories)

AM Snack - apple with 12 almonds (about 170 calories)

Lunch - Shakeology with water and orange (220 calories)

PM Snack - Shakeology with water (140 calories)

Dinner - Salad (spinach, mushroom, celery, carrots, tomatoes, green pepper, onion) with grilled chicken and 2 TBLS fat free italian dressing (about 250 calories)

Overall, I am so glad that I did the 3 day Shakeology clense and that I did not cheat. I lost a little over 4 pounds and feel great. I am re-energized and my tummy is definetly flatter today than it was on Sunday. I hope I can continue to keep the sweet cravings away and stay away from so much processed food. I know I got rid of some serious goo over these 3 days!

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