Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The benefits of working out with a partner.

We all know or have heard about all the wonderful benefits of regular exercise. But, sometimes it is hard to keep yourself motivated to start that exercise. One of the best ways I have found is to find a workout partner. This keeps you motivated in a couple of ways:

1. You are accountable to somebody else to show up and exercise. (This is half of the battle, just showing up or pressing play!)

2. You have somebody else to push you beyond what you think you can do. (Competition can be a great motivator.)

This past month my husband and I have started P90X together. We get up every morning and press play. There are mornings that I don't feel like getting up and I know that he feels the same way, but every morning we get up and PUSH PLAY!

I have found that I really try to Bring It every workout. I don't know if it is a competition thing or just because I want to impress my husband, but either way, I am working harder than I ever have.

Aside from the normal benefits of working out with a partner, there are some added bonuses to working out with YOUR partner.

1. Time spent together - (This gives us an additional 1-2 hours together every morning)

2. Something new in common - (After 15 years of marriage it is an awesome feeling to have some new common thread with my husband.)

3. More energy - (Now that both you and your partner have more energy there are a multitude of things you can do together.)

Doing P90X has changed my life in so many great ways, but now it is also improving my marriage! If you want to learn more about this great program, please sign up for my free coaching . I will help you make the positive changes you have been looking for.

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