Monday, August 24, 2009

How to avoid the weekend nutrition blues!

Summer weekends almost always lead to outdoor parties or time with friends. For a lot of people this includes overeating. For those of us trying to lose weight or stay fit, this can be a nutrition killer. We work so hard during the week to eat clean and then - bam - the weekend hits. Here is a short article with a few tips to avoid overeating - even on the weekend.

Three Ways Not to Overeat
by Steve Edwards

1. Wait. When you decide you're hungry, make yourself wait at least 15 minutes before you eat. This will help you determine whether your hunger is habitual or your body is craving nutrients.

2. Drink. A tall glass of water 30 minutes prior to a meal will reduce your tendency to overeat.

3. Exercise. The perfect scenario is to have a glass of water followed by some exercise, like a walk, a jog, or some stretching. This will take your mind off of food, and you'll be far more likely to only crave the foods your body needs.

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