Monday, August 17, 2009

What Motivates Me
By Debbie Siebers, creator of Slim in 6®

Every morning when I wake up, the first thing I do is repeat everything I am grateful for. That really sets the tone for the day to be a really positive one.

I feel so strongly about writing and reciting at least five positive affirmations during the day to reprogram my mind and manifest what I want in my life instead of what I don't want. It is so easy to slip into negative thinking. As soon as a negative thought pops up, I try my best to flip that switch and immediately counter it with a positive and uplifting thought.

Since I've been doing this, I've noticed that I am much calmer, and I don't overreact to things like I used to. I try to either find a solution or find something positive or a lesson I need to be learning. For me, it's about living in the moment and making each one count.

Also, I ask myself, what is the alternative? To feel miserable, to have anxiety, to worry about everything, and to be unhealthy and not great about myself? Who needs that, right? When I exercise, I feel in control. It makes me feel empowered, strong, and productive for the rest of the day. After I finish, I have a bounce in my step, I am energized, and I smile a lot more! Not to mention, my jeans fit better!

When stuff happens that gets me down, I like to reboot by either watching my DVD of The Secret or reading a few chapters from one of my favorite books, A New Earth, or a few inspiring messages from Marianne Williamson. I recommend everyone follow her through Twitter®. She has pearls of wisdom that I continually try to apply in my life.

I get excited about life by participating and getting involved. Whether it's music, dancing, volunteer work, traveling, writing, reading, calling an old friend, or learning about something new, the possibilities and opportunities are endless, and the sky is the limit.
You just need to open up your mind, expand your imagination and awareness, and JUMP INTO LIFE!

When I really need to get out of myself, I commune with nature. Nothing will snap me into the present moment faster than that, except walking my adorable puppy Barney!
I say LIVE LIFE NOW. Be the best person you can be right now! Follow your passions, and be kind to yourself.

And exercise because:

You love and respect yourself and want to be fit and healthy.

You want to feel confident, be in control of your life, and be a happier person.

Everyone around you will benefit.

You will work out stress, and you will sleep better.

It is as necessary as breathing!

Be conscious and commit to making this day your very best day!

. . . And all that starts by PUSHING PLAY

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