Friday, August 14, 2009

Commit to being fit!

I think at some point in our lives we all hit that point where we think, "I have got to do something different." Finding out what that "something" is usually the hard part.

In March of this year, I came to this very point in my life. I was out of shape, not eating healthy and overall not as happy as I knew I could be. While doing one of my favorite activities (at the time) watching television, that "something" became clear to me. An adverstisement for Slim in 6 really caught my attention. I called the number and ordered the dvd series and I was on my way. Man, changing my live sure was easy!

About a week later, my packaged arrived and then I realized that the easy part was over and it was time to commit or get off the pot! I decided right then that I was ready for a change and more importantly ready to commit to being fit. With the hectic lifestyle that we lead, I knew that they only way I could actually commit to working out every single day was to get up and do it before I went to work. This meant rising before the sun @ 5AM. Not being a morning person, this was a challange in itself, but I did it. I REALLY DID IT! Every day for 6 weeks. This program really kick started my new fitness lifestyle! Before the end of the Slim in 6 program, I knew that when that 6 weeks was over I was going to be ready for the next challenge. That challenge came in the form of P90X.

I started P90X on May 4th and that meant getting up 30 minutes earlier everyday, so I pushed my alarm to 4:30AM. This has been the most amazing program that I have ever done. I love the fact that I no longer dread working out. I look forward to my workouts and sometimes even crave my workouts. I have muscle definition that I never thought was possible. My body fat decreased by 5%!!!!!

I know that I still have areas to improve on, but the transformation that I have seen in my body over 90 days in simply amazing. I have now started round 2 of P90X and my husband is joining me this time around.

If you would like any information on Slim in 6 or P90X or any other Beachbody products please email me @ I would love to help you find that "something" to help you reach your fitness goals!

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